Grameen Solutions Limited (GSL) is the flagship technology company of Grameen family of organizations founded in 1999 by Dr. Muhammad Yunus, founder of Grameen Bank and recipient of 2006 Nobel Peace Prize. “Grameen Solutions” literally means solutions for the villages. GSL offers Software Solutions, System Solutions,Business Process Outsourcing, Mobile Application, Social Business Solutions, Graphics and Animation, Search Engine Optimization, Offshore Staff Augmentation, and Emerging Market Technology at competitive offshore price points.
GSL is established as the technology arm of Grameen family of companies to strengthen national technology base and capabilities of Bangladesh. Since its inception, GSL has taken several pragmatic steps to attract global technology companies, create technology based solutions and opportunities, and increase overall digital inclusion in the country. In pursuit of that vision, GSL is pursuing strategic partnership with renowned global technology companies, strengthening and expanding each day.
GSL is dedicated towards creating a dynamic platform for the well being of People on the whole with keen focus into women empowerment as well in Bangladesh through its state of art emerging technologies. Opening doors & creating opportunities in the country and international business arena through professional skill development, capacity building & social awareness programs. This in turn intends to create People awareness in moral responsibility & accountability towards the community & the Country. Our goal is to ensure Emerging Technologies gives the ultimate power of Economic development, thus empowerment in the hands of people through emerging Technology. Thus bringing in positive growth to Country’s GDP.